
Saturday, 11 February 2012

The real world has me back...

So school has started again (...), well at least that means getting paid which means I need to go back to my online banking (I just spent half my next salary on bills) because I forgot I still have to pay the March workshop with Jeanette DeNicholis Meyer and the May retreat I booked myself in for - so there's something to look forward to over the coming months! [That was one loooonnnngggg sentence!]

So what have I been up to?
Nothing much on the quilting front I am afraid, I am still slowly getting rid of the thread ends on the dino quilt alternating this with finishing the binding. At least it has been very warm lately during the day, so he doesn't quite need the double wool batting quilt yet :-)
I am also working on the screen printed place mats that will hopefully find a loving home overseas :-)
I have just finished looking for another teddy bear pattern because I still owe one to middle DS who as always waits patiently - he is just gorgeous (99% of the time).
Suz and I have had a great play with screen printing, and on Friday the first group of kids had a go. For some reason on their prints the paint bled out under the stencil, will have to do some more research on this over the weekend (when I repeated what they did, it was fine...). Have a look at what Suz did with her prints on her blog - mine are in the meantime stapled to the walls in my art room, by Easter I am probably so sick of them that I will bury them in my cupboard!
While my 3 of my 4 men are out, I might quickly cut up some fabric for another DD9 for my darling niece who turns 2 today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY STORM!!!

Once things settle down, i.e. the printer and the photocopier at school work simultaneously so I can print off what I need photocopied (oh the joys of technology!!!! I am waiting to print 220 copies of my 8 page workbooks for this term....) I will have to return to some resemblance of routine in regards to quilting so I stay sane lol

So I better log off and go sew!

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to seeing you at Jeanette's! I'm working on the final details of it this weekend.


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