I have been itching to get some more sewing done, but there are only so many hours in the day and I am still quite tired after I even took a day off work last week.
One of the things I have been experimenting with is fusing plastic bags for my recycling art unit with my students at school for term 4. After some experimenting I have gotten better at fusing layers of shopping bags together, and I have also eperimented with some forms of decoration - crayon shavings are probably the easiest way to colour white bags. I am toying with a few different ideas for the fused plastic, originally thought about weaving strips of it - similar to harake / flax weaving - or just cutting to shape and fusing into ??a bag?? Fusing the sides together still proves a bit of a problem, easiest would be stitching up with the sewing machine but not sure I can organise this for school. Other ideas include using yarn made from plastic bags ('plarn') and use this for more traditional weaving, or for crotchet or knitting (I only knit continental though). I also saw an easy way of weaving a mat from whole shopping bags. Any suggestions much appreciated!!!!